Only 5% of babies are born on their due date. Babies are usually born anytime between 37 weeks and 42 weeks but occasionally babies will be born outside of this time frame. Some women naturally carry their babies longer. I know of women who consistently go to 42-44 weeks with each pregnancy and their births are uncomplicated and their babies are perfectly healthy.
It is common for women to be induced in the medical system. Some doctors induce every woman in their care at 39 weeks, 3 weeks before they are “due”. While 39 weeks is technically full term, if a woman who would naturally go into labor at 42 weeks is induced at 37 weeks this is essentially like her having a premature baby. Anytime women are induced before their babies are ready it is like having a premature baby. Babies aren’t hanging out inside the womb doing nothing! They are growing, developing, and preparing for birth and life outside the womb. That is a big transition for them and it is best to give them the time they need. Induction greatly increases the risk of complications for both the mother and baby. Babies come exactly when they are ready. Doing anything to induce labor medically or naturally is disruptive to the natural birth process and causes issues.
Some babies need longer to grow and develop. 50% of women birth their babies after 41 weeks. I refer to due dates as guess dates because the actual date that a baby is born varies so much. There is about an 8-week period of time where a woman can give birth to a healthy full-term baby.
I often recommend that women not share their exact due date with people. It can be frustrating when friends and family are constantly asking “When is the baby going to be born?” towards the end of your pregnancy. Due to the influx of inductions in the medical system, many people think that it is dangerous to go “past dates” and they are simultaneously unaware of the serious risks and complications associated with inductions. This can lead to unnecessary fear-mongering. To protect your peace it can be a good idea to share a birth month or season rather than a specific date.